Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Greeting Birthday In Arabic Happy Birthday In Egyptian Arabic?

Happy birthday in egyptian arabic? - greeting birthday in arabic

If you translate for me Happy Birthday Hello in Egyptian Arabic, but I need at the text in English, because I have to write


Ɲemo said...

It عيد ميلاد سعيد (Eid Milad Saeed), but in most informal situations in which the Egyptians want to tell someone "Happy Birthday" to say كل سنة وانتي طيبة (kol Wenti Tayeba sound) and a daughter كل سنة وانتا طيب (kol Wenta Tayeb healthy children).

The Ministry of Common Sense said...

@ NEFERTARI: It is true that not the Egyptians celebrate his birthday. In fact, birthday parties in Egypt are on top with singers live and recorded, such as a marriage. And this is part of the children! I think when you get older, they tend to hold less, but that the same in all cultures - the people, when they have reached a certain age prefer not to celebrate because they are older.

Birthday parties are very common in Egypt. When I taught 2nd Class with at least one birthday party in 2 weeks! LOL

Extremists do not celebrate birthday. Moreover, not much to celebrate.

EDIT: In the book Galal Amin - is independent of the Egyptians is the case, said:
"This change in attitude toward the birthday celebration in the past 50 years reflects other changes that have taken place in Egyptian society during this time ... Much of what will be seen in the children's birthday today, will this change in attitude toward parenthood. Enjoy our children with gifts and luxuriespartly reflects the belief in our ability to shape his personality ... Thus arose the custom of celebrating birthday away from home: in a club, or even sometimes in hotels ... This change in the way of seeing the ceremony, probably because of rising incomes and greater contact with the West ... "

Nefertar... said...

عيد ميلاد سعيد
or 3id Milad sa3id

Although many Egyptians tend not to celebrate his birthday!

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